Kinetic Sand Creation

Friday, September 22, 2023
Register online for Kinetic Sand
Come and explore your senses while you make your very own KINETIC SAND. Mold your imagination and let your creativity flow! We will be using regular household items to make this fascinating substance. It’s mesmerizing, it’s satisfying, and once in your hands you can’t put it down! Watch them explore, shape, slice, scoop, squish, smash and flow again and again!
We need a minimum of 5 students for the class.
Date: Fri, Sep 22, 2023
Age: Grades K-6
Time: 3:15-4:30pm
Location: High school FACS room
Cost: $25 (includes all supplies and ingredients)
Instructor: Charlene Bzdok
Register online for Kinetic Sand
You can register online or download the registration form and return it to the school with payment.
Please remember that elementary children should have a note from home to stay after school for events.