Early Child Screening
Upsala Area Schools offers screening two times a year. Families will be contacted if in our census database, when we have a date for the next screening. Please call 320-631-2509 to answer questions.
ECS (Early Childhood Screening) is required by the State of Minnesota for Kindergarten entrance.
The early childhood years from birth to the start of kindergarten are in important time of rapid learning and growth. Preschool Screening is a quick and simple check of how your child is doing between age 3 to 4. It identifies, at an early stage, possible health or learning concerns, so that children can get help before starting school.
Early Childhood Screening Helps You:
find out how your child is doing
connects you and your child to early childhood programs and other community services
answers your parenting questions
What Happens During a Screening?
During the Preschool screening, well-qualified staff, such as a school nurse, speech therapist, and licensed teachers, will check your child's:
Immunization status
Skills in thinking, communication and language, large and small muscles, and social/emotional development
All this information is important for your child's continued learning and readiness for future school success. After the screening, you will be given a full report of our child's learning and growth. Information to support our job as a parent will also be available. You will know how your child is developing.
Should I Wait Until My Child is in Kindergarten?
Earlier is better! Waiting until a child is in school may be waiting too long. If your child is 3 to 4 years old and has not been checked for health and developmental status, call your school district for more information about Preschool Screening.
What Else?
In order for your child to start kindergarten in any Minnesota public school, you will need to provide you child's Early Childhood Screening Summary and an Immunization Record. There is no charge for the screening.
It is not necessary that your child participate in Preschool Screening if they have had a similar screening through Head Start or Child and Teen Checkups.